Tag Archives: intuition

Review and Rewind


For several weeks now, a renegade thought would just enter my head — what if my twin recognized that we were meant to be together before I did, and all this time he was just waiting for me to be ready?  What if all this time that I was thinking that he was the “slowpoke”, it was me that took the longest time to “come around”?  That I was actually the “unawakened one” instead of him?


I shrugged it off the first time it surfaced.  Bollocks, that couldn’t be possible.  But the thought kept coming back, nagging at my subconscious. Still, it simmered there and although it took a while to seep past my ego, when it hit my core, I realized it was true.

It took a thread in one of my twin flame groups to tie this groundbreaking concept in my mind.  Someone had asked that everyone post something about their twin that they loved.  I said that I loved my twin because he is more infinitely compassionate and patient than I could ever be, but that with this TF journey, I felt that I was levelling up on the patience, lol. I wrote that answer on the spur of the moment, but soon realized that I siphoned out some truth out of my situation.

After all, he was already older and more mature when I had met him.  I was young and still hankering after the very human drama aspect of relationships then.  Plus, he was Pisces all around which made him very intuitive, if not psychic.  Perhaps he got what the essence of our connection was before I did? Maybe he’s not aware of what it’s called or all the twin flame lingo, but the recognition of the connection is there.

Last night, I finally asked the cards for confirmation of this.  It was a very insightful reading, practically screaming YES at me.  I could just imagine my guides slapping their foreheads in near exasperation and then patting themselves on the back for finally getting through to me, lol. Which also explains why I’ve had sudden bouts of bursting into tears the past couple of days where I apologize to my twin for being so slow on the uptake.  It’s like even if I had been energetically chasing him all these years, even if he liked me, even if he was attracted to me, even if he was tempted to reply to all those ignored messages, can you just imagine what self-control he’s had to exercise to not pre-empt our reunion in full glory before we were both ready?

If he is truly enlightened, then he would have seen/known where I was coming from, similar to the way I can tell if a person is coming from ego or not.  And like a teacher, he would be able to gauge if his “student” had already learned all that they needed to and was ready for graduation.

After bawling my eyes out at this epiphany and my full acceptance of it, the next morning, the first video on YouTube that I was called to watch was David Mills’ You can have your Twin Flame Union NOW. And it just confirmed further what I just realized to be true. Not only that, I was the 33rd commenter and the 33rd liker which just cements the confirmation.  This was more than just synchronicity.  This was a message I was meant to receive.

If I know it; he knows it.  We are already in Union now. I choose to be in Union with him now.  And we love each other… unconditionally, across time and space, through past lifetimes and other dimensions.  So what’s the problem? 🙂


Mastering the Multiverse for Union


Today, I came across this Pleiadian Channeled Message to Twin Flames 07 11 16 “Ascension Definition” as channelled by Naglaa Elshamy.  I suggest you watch it first, before delving into my comments:

So far, this is what I got from it:

  • we must learn the concept of “wisdom and energy” and what it means to put energy into action
  • when the Twin Flame Collective puts its mind towards a certain destination, we will be able to manifest our heart’s desires
  • connection with higher light beings (divine beings) goes both ways. We become both human and spiritual beings living in parallel realities – 3D and 5D.
  • Those two realities are separate and connected.  For people who have reached that certain mastery in their ascension, they can fully make the connection between the two realities — physical and spiritual.
  • So when you connect with someone in 3D, you must also connect with them in 5D – it’s like doing two things at the same time.
  • When you are in ascension, that gap between the two realities come really close to each other until they are fully merged. When that happens, you become a master of living in both realities. (some deep Matrix stuff here!)
  • Ascenscion therefore means that you are an individual that is capable of living a full physical life & a full spiritual life at the same time.
  • To reach this Mastery Skill Level, one will have gone through different cycles of healing, different cycles of stripping of the ego, different cycles of reaching one’s own balance of intuition.  Once you listen to your intuition, you will be able to fully connect with the dimension of your spiritual being (a.k.a. The Higher Self)
  • More importantly, one must go through multiple series of upgrades of your being — downloads, upgrades — to our bodies.

So the video ends with a bit of homework:  Where are you on your ascension journey? How are you connecting with your intuition? Can you tell whether the messages you’re getting are from intuition or from ego?

Let me try answering my “homework” 🙂

Assuming that the goal is Mastery Skill Level, four elements have been identified, i.e. different cycles of: a) stripping of the ego, b)healing, c) balance of intuition, and d) downloads and upgrades to your body.

Different Cycles of Stripping of the Ego & Healing

I shall be discussing both of these at the same time because they go hand in hand.  One cannot be truly healed on a fundamental level (a.k.a. soul level), if the ego is still in the way.  And, of course, before one would even need healing, there has to be some wound, some injury, some incident, circumstance or situation that causes pain.

On that score alone, I think the Universe has given me numerous opportunities to heal.  Almost 33 years now, beginning from when I was around 8.  (And I just realized at this moment that each chapter of my life before it shifted in a different direction amounts exactly to 11 years. And that kind of creeps me out, but let me get on with my homework!)

8-19 years: 

  • highly intuitive, got interested in the paranormal and mystical after surviving an illness that doctor’s could not identify and only a local shaman was able to heal me by — get this — extracting 3 cockroaches from my abdomen
  • able to hear voices talking to me, see paranormal stuff (yes, even ghosts), vivid and recurring dreams, and I remember that I was very afraid of seeing Jesus and/or Mother Mary appear in front of me, especially at the foot of my bed.  Jesus once appeared in the sky when I was in the car on the way to Baguio and was peering out the window, but I couldn’t tell anyone because it was too strange though I never forgot the incident.
  • I remember trying to teach my parents how to be parents, how to love, and what it means to be family.  I don’t know how I got the information but I continually wrote them long letters about it, until, at about the age of 14, I stopped altogether, disheartened that they weren’t listening to what I was saying.  It’s only now that I’m more spiritually evolved that I realized what that was all about —  Lyran, soul contract that I would lead them in evolving spiritually, etc. 
  • I’ve been told that most of the things that I predicted then or just said came true.  Some of them I found out just recently when those I’ve given the message to told me about it.  I often forget what I’ve said.
  • Major hurts and lessons at this time centered around family and betrayal in friendships.

19-30 years:

  • the most worldly and “cushy” part of my existence, thus far. Started law school which led me on another path.
  • continued my otherworldly pursuits through readers, wicca, astrology, feng shui, and high magick, found out that Mother Mary was my Sponsoring Deity (which I now know that what that reader saw was an aspect of my Divine Feminine)
  • still being plagued by elementals, incubi, and misguided humans (a.k.a. criminals) — yes, I’ve been carnapped, mugged at icepick point, etc. and I’ve even had my energy attempted to be stolen by “gifted” people.  My theory on this is that they get attracted to the light — my inner light/energy — and it’s like the Ring of Power for them and they go batshit Gollum “My Preciousessss!!” on me.
  • My introduction to love was a very lighthearted Pan-like, mischievous toned one.  Actually broke more than a fair share of hearts during this time.  But, in turn, my heart got majorly broken by my first boyfriend who taught me a whole lot of stuff, in love and in life.  He’s dead now, but I do believe he was a soulmate.
  • Got my first lesson in unconditional love given to me by my first love, my lhasa apso, MuMu, the circumstances of which I came upon him were purely coincidental. I recognize now that the was the companion sent to me by the Universe, and the lessons he taught me became the standard by which I could tell — although most oftentimes I ignored the signs — the red flags which foretold ego-based love.
  • Heartbreak was the major lesson here.  A shift in friends and focus too.  Family wasn’t bugging me too much during this period.

31-41 years:

  • The year I met my Twin Flame — that’s what marks this chapter. And I met him through serendipity also because my karmic was, ironically, the one who chose him.
  • Major events.  So major that, I have often referred to the time my lessons all came raining down on me as “that Series of Unfortunate Events” — grief, heartbreak, betrayal, treachery, poverty, statelessness, being the victim of a crime.  And all these lessons kicked in the moment I chose to run away from my twin. It was so bad that I’ve wanted to kill myself at least twice, only to be saved by an 11th hour angel in the form of a friend.
  • Major ego stripping and healing which took some time and some healing is still going on.
  • It was only three years ago that I was awakened to my true origins as a starseed and lightworker. Only a few months ago did I re-discover that I am on a Twin Flame Journey.

Different Cycles of Downloads and Upgrades

I also learned that one of my major missions in this lifetime had to do with my family.  It was after I was permitted to cut karmic ties with them that my etheric grid was upgraded to a crystalline matrix.  I have been anchoring high frequency rays consciously for a while now and I can usually tell which one I’m anchoring.  I work with Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, my Higher Self, and my spiritual team. I’ve finally learned to exorcise — and successfully done so — elementals and incubi who want to latch on to me.

I’ve learned how to read tarot cards better now.  It’s as if the cards speak to me.  And I’ve practiced healing on others successfully.

Although not fully conscious of energy downloads, I can feel its effect on my physical body.  Most often, I am tired and drained.

I’ve merged with my Twin in 5D despite our 3D dynamics (or lack thereof), but which is also the reason why I’m not bawling my eyes out in heartbreak or desperation. We communicate telepathically for now.

I’m not that afraid anymore of Jesus and Mother Mary and they’ve shown up in meditation without me running away in fear.

Different Cycles of Balance of Intuition

(my sleep meds are kicking in so forgive me if my thoughts aren’t that lucid)

On the subject of intuition, what I can say is that I have an ongoing conversation with my Higher Self now.  I can very easily spot what’s coming from ego and can point it out as well.  I think that all the “experience” I’ve had the past three decades are finally settling down onto a plate of wisdom.

What Naglaa said about living in two parallel and distinct realities seems true for me, although since the discovery is quite recent, I’ve been more focused on my spiritual evolution now.  And I am learning to balance the two worlds.  Despite what’s been going on in 3D, the undercurrent is one of happiness and unconditional love, bliss, even.

I don’t know if my twin will come around.  If this is the measure of ascension — Heaven on Earth – then I seem to be well on my way in this journey. In fact, I think it’s one of the reasons I’m exhausted.  It’s like going to night school.  There’s real life work to do, passions to follow, and yet, when I am called to learn some more, do the ascension work, the healing work, I still carry on, usually until the meds kick in and I have to sleep to get up for work the next day.  It’s tiring switching from this to that.

But what of my twin?  He seems to be lagging far, far behind.  How are we going to meet at the “appointed place and time” for union if his ego keeps getting in the way?

I don’t know.  And not knowing, is part and parcel of this journey.


Rise of the Phoenix



That’s yesterday’s Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) courtesy of NASA.  It’s edited to highlight the figure and some folks at Reddit suspect that the original unedited pic would look like this:


Still and all, it gave me quite a different vibe upon chancing upon it.  I felt like it was a code, a sign, a message from our kin way up there in the stars.  The fact that this display of Northern Lights encompassed several constellations, including Pleiades and Orion, makes me even more certain of it. I still don’t know what the message is, but I can feel that it’s positive.

Actually, before chancing upon this picture, I had quite a vivid dream the night before.  I was in a very high place, somewhere white, and there was an escalator before me that I had to get on.  Getting down was steep and long and it reminded me of this:


But I went on it anyway, even though I found it quite boring. It was a single strip of escalator, and I could vividly see the black plates that brought me down.  All of a sudden, it gained speed, and I could see the rest of the escalator stretch out before me.  I was moving on it faster and faster, and then, in “down the rabbit hole fashion”, the escalator suddenly sloped like a roller coaster and since it was going down fast, I was quite enjoying myself on it, thinking (to myself, in my dream) that once it was over, I’d go on it again, even if the climb was steep. (Well, I didn’t actually know in my dream whether or not it was going to be a climb or there was a lift to take me to the top again.  I simply assumed, again, in my dream, that it was easy to get back to the top to repeat the entire experience.)

That’s the first part of my dream.

The second part, although seemingly a continuation, I will discuss separately because it has two meanings.

Anyway, when I got down, I realized that I had just smooshed my Iphone. It wasn’t shattered into pieces, just “smooshed”, like a big fat giant had sat on it.  Actually, I was the one that had sat on it since I was riding the escalator like a child sliding down the banister of stairs, but I didn’t see that part happen in my dream.  I just knew that that’s how it happened.

I was checking out my phone to see if I could revive it, and after a few minutes of worrying and panicking, the smooshed phone popped back into its original form.  Okay, problem solved.

Then, I woke up.

I took heed of the dream.  Felt that my Intuition was telling me “Don’t forget your phone”, “pay attention to your phone” and that I had to watch out for my phone.  After a bit of googling and checking out messages in the morning, I made sure to charge it a bit so that it would be tip top shape as far as the battery was concerned.

Long story short, in the morning rush trying to get out the door to do the day’s business — I FORGOT MY PHONE. Sheesh.  This is certainly one of those times when I have to thank my Intuition for reminding me and, yet, kick myself for being so human and forgetting the reminder. Kind of makes me wish that Intuition had an opt-in “second alert” like Google Calendar, you know.

As for the first part of my dream, I couldn’t decipher it at first.  Those dream dictionaries were telling me conflicting things.  Some say that dreaming of an escalator was auspicious and that things would be on the up and up, especially when it came to my romantic life.  Then again, there’d be a proviso saying quite the opposite in those cases where one was riding an escalator that was going down.

I couldn’t quite reconcile that with the ecstatic feeling I had in my dream despite the fact that it was travelling down.  Then, it kind of dawned on me that I needed to look at the bigger picture of this dream.  So here’s the analysis I eventually settled into:

The escalator signifies my starseed journey into being human.  For a very long time — and I’m talking lifetimes here — I went through the experience.  Rather humdrum but something I had to live through.  And now that I’m nearing the end of my human journey, remembering what I have to, nearing reunion with my Twin Soul, it’s going to be quite enjoyable from here on out.   So much so that despite the sluggish beginnings through several floors of the escalator, the part when it becomes a thrilling roller coaster ride would be something I’d want to go through again.  That’s why I was going “down”.  It didn’t mean a descent to something decrepit (although the human condition can be so at times), but just that there was nowhere to go but down, especially if you’re coming from “up there”.

The phone part of my dream has an alternate meaning too.  Phone = contact. Broken phone means that I lost contact with those who put me on the escalator in the first place.  But, as in real life when I’ve just rekindled my connection with my galactic ancestors, I got my “transmitter” working again.  Yeahhhh, baby.  E.T. is finally phoning home!

Wait, that’s not all.  After I finished my earthly duties (a.k.a. deadlines at work), I still got flooded with signs confirming all of the above.

I was driving home in a semi-dazed, empty state. Not particularly agitated, belligerent, or anxious, but, you know, the kind where you’re empty but aware.  Then there was this vehicle in front of me with these big letters espousing the company motto that said, “We’re changing lives.”  And the make of the car?  HILUX.  High Lux.  Bright Lights.  Big influx of light.

My antenna went up.  Maybe this was just a fluke?  Next car I see, again, another Hi-Lux.  As if they were that common.  Next one that catches my eye has the words “New Era” on it.  And the next one is an Innova.  And the next one says, “Novaliches” which means New City.


Message received.  Loud and clear.  The new influx of energies will be crucial in building a new paradigm for humanity.  And this is what I have to anchor next or what I am currently anchoring.  No wonder I’ve been restless the past couple of days, on edge, nervous but not anxious.  Maybe my circuitry was being upgraded to anchor in the new energies or the energy was just high frequency and that was the effect of imbibing it.

I decide to check Vanessa Lamorte’s YouTube channel to see if there have been any transmissions.  She’s an intergalactic shaman, if you don’t know her.  And, again, this confirms my hunch.  She posted a brand new video: Cosmic Frequency Update: Light Language Transmission for Clarity & Purification that pretty much confirms the messages I’d been getting the entire day.

I watched the video and as soon as the light language channeling from the Lyran, Syrian and Arcturian Council came through, I could see in my mind’s eye the illuminated codes actually going into my heart space and planting themselves there.  I found it kind of disconcerting because it was all so clear.  Like watching it on HDR, and the codes contained symbols I couldn’t understand.  I’m not worried though.  The human in me may not be able to translate it, but I have no doubt that the Starseed in me got what I was supposed to get.

Wait.  There’s more.  I just realized that the OST I had been listening to all day long (also something I had just come across today when looking for focus music while working), is from “Ori and the Blind Forest”.  Orion.  One of the constellations over which the Phoenix (above) formed. Which also brought me to that song by Prince — Arms of Orion.  Take a look at the lyrics:

Orion’s arms are wide enough
To hold us both together
Although we’re worlds apart
I’d cross the stars for you

“In the heart of a sleepless moon”
“I’ll be with you forever”
“This is my destiny”
“‘Till my life is through”

The arms of Orion that’s where I want to be
Since you’ve been gone
I’ve been searching for a lover
In the Sea of Tranquility
I’m drowning without you here, my dear

When I am lost and feeling alone
I just look to heaven
I find my comfort there
God only knows where you are to night

“God only knows where you are to night”
“Maybe time will tell me”
“‘Till then I’ll close my eyes and say a prayer for you”
(I’ll say a prayer for you too)


Orion’s heart is bright enough
To shine on both of us
The constellations never fail
To light the way for love

‘Orion’s arms are wide enough’
To hold us both together
“Although we’re worlds apart”
(‘I’d cross the stars for you’)
“I’d cross the stars for you”

Okay.  I think I’d better stop now.  This is getting creepy and I’m getting overwhelmed with messages. I’m kind of scared to sleep now because I might get something in my dreams.  I know I shouldn’t be scared, but the synchronicity of it all is weirding me out. I won’t even begin to tell you how many words I misspelled today.  Yes, me, the consummate grammar and spelling nazi.

Something is going on and it’s telling me to focus on it. Oh, boy.

The Soul Mantra


While surfing the web last night, I came across the soul mantra which I, surprisingly, had forgotten over the course of time.

I am the soul,

I am the monad,

I am the light divine.
I am love,

I am will,

I am fixed design.

It had been a while since I uttered that mantra. So, I did. 

My reading after that was very nice. I understood the story being told by the cards, as though the answers were being whispered in my ear. It was an immediate understanding.

And even though I tried alternative ways to look at the cards, it didn’t make sense. So I suppose my first take on it was correct.

I woke up feeling connected to and loved by M. It felt wonderful. Like everything was right in the world. 😊

On the drive to work, I was prompted to stay alert for signs.

The first one that resonated with me was “Everest”. Ever. Rest.

Good God, was I going to die?

I asked for a clarificatory sign and I got “Bujoy”, the name of a taxicab. Be. You. Joy.

Holeeee fucktard. Did that mean I was going to die and go to heaven where I could be pure joy?

Despite the positive tenor of the signs, I was about to freak out. Okay, one more try. This time, it was a sign painted on the side of a truck. It said, “Have the Son shine in your life!”.  And the graphic of the word “Son” was superimposed with a “Sun”.

To recapitulate:

  1. Ever. Rest.
  2. Be You. Joy.
  3. The sun/son will shine in my life.

Hmmm. I don’t think it means I’m crossing over – though I hope I’m not wrong. 

I do think that my guides are telling me that my ordeal will soon be over or that I should relax because I will be happy soon and the sun will shine on me once more.

It was a very uplifting message. I just hope that that “Joy” will include M.